Monday, March 1, 2010

Apparently weird is the new smart?

So a couple of weeks ago at work this guy who works in the same department as me out of nowhere tells me about a discussion him and another co-worker had. Apparently I came up in the conversation while out drinking at a bar.

He said that the one guy thought I was cool as S##@#, but I was kinda weird. I kept asking him to explain how I was weird. He told me, "Oh you're not weird in a bad way...just weird."

So I told him to give me his top 5 reason as to why I am weird. (I have a tendency to do that, ask people to give me their top 5 reasons for something)

So this is his top 5 reason as to why I am weird:

1. I read tons of book about anything and everything
2. I knit
3. I can define typefaces and give you a brief history on them
4. I want National Geographics the past 100 years on DVD-rom
5. I can give you the number of a color when working in photoshop (ex, white is ffffff)

So, lets get this straight, because I am smart I am considered weird. Wow!

At first I was kind of offended by that, but now I see there is nothing wrong with being classified as weird. How many brilliant people who have walked this earth been classified as weird? I take it as a compliment.

So if anyone tells you that you are a little off and the reasons they give you are because you are smart. Look them in the eye, give them your biggest and brightest smile and say, "Thank you," and walk away.

Plus it doesn't help that these guys were in their early 20s. They have a lot of growing up to do.



  1. I love being considered weird! I think life would be so boring if we weren't all a little weird! So glad you're blogging again.

  2. Thanks for the comment! I am happy that I am finally blogging again also. Feels so nice. Thanks for sticking with me.
